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Martes, Pebrero 5, 2013

AuthorHouse UK | The Eclipse of Love, Pain, and Happiness

AuthorHouse UK
AuthorHouse Author | Jac’Quail Mayes
AuthorHouse UK Author Jac'Quail Mayes is an ordinary woman with a big voice that is dying to be heard. To her poetry is more than an art of literature; it is life unfolding in words. For nine years, Jac'Quail has been writing poetry and reciting to anyone with an open ear. Her authentic, true, and soulful word play is sure to touch your spirit and entice your soul. Born and raised in Portsmouth, Virginia, Jac'Quail says that life is her biggest influence because her experiences have given her something to say that relates to and encourages others. As the founder of “Elite” Women's Ministries, Jac'Quail believes that with dedication and God's direction you can change lives and reconstruct promising futures. Through her poetry she hopes to capture the minds of readers and relay a message to always speak out and let the world hear your voice.  Free Preview

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