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Miyerkules, Disyembre 26, 2012

AuthorHouse UK | The Digital Turn

AuthorHouse UK Reviews

The Digital Turn - How the Internet Transforms Our Existence

AuthorHouse UK Author Wim Westera is full professor of digital media at the Open University of the Netherlands. He holds a PhD in physics (Utrecht University). After having been trained as an academic film and TV producer at the BBC, he specialized in media production and created dozens of informative TV programs and documentaries. Since the nineties, he has been involved as a researcher and practitioner in educational simulation and multimedia and technology-enhanced learning. 

Through his unique voice in columns and blogs, he became a renowned opinion leader in the domain of digital media, both at a national and an international level. The book The Digital Age is a derivative of his long-standing professional involvement in media research and development. His main motive for writing this book has been to enable readers to enhance their digital media literacy and remain in control of the media they use. Understanding the mechanisms of digital media beyond the level of practical operation is a necessary condition for surviving the digital turn.  Read More

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