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Martes, Hulyo 16, 2013

Thief of Hearts | AuthorHouse UK

AuthorHouse UK Author Joseph JP Lawlor was born in Birmingham in April of the year 1963, he was the product of Irish immigrant parents,  the last person one would expect to pen a manuscript, but instilled within him from his early days was a love for the written word.Taken back to Ireland to the City of Cork at a  young age, he lived there being raised by his Grandmother and was educated at Churchfield School until he left at the age of fifteen to start work. Further education was pleaded for by his schoolteachers but the pressing financial situation found precedence, and so the young Joseph Lawlor entered into the  world of work.
Later he emigrated to England and settled, working at first and then set up in business, some years later he went on to study arts and humanities and then law. In the late eighties he had by then married and had his first daughter Kaine, unfortunately she though, at the age of eighteen months sadly died from a meningitis related problem, this is her story. The opening paragraphs of the book written by her father say it all. riveting and compelling the author takes you on a journey only he alone is qualified to do, his sense of passion and humour never fail in this deeply moving account of love and triumph over adversity, written with a delicate balance of emotion that captivates the reader between tears and smiles, the author proves that this is a story that had to be told. Overall  the book shows the deep love a father had for his child, and no matter how much time has passed shows he never could forget.  

AuthorHouse UK


Thief of Hearts is a book that has been a long time in the making, the opening lines were first penned in 2001, but due to the emotional content the author felt he couldn't complete the story. in 2009 he sat down and did just that. six months of writing unveils a story that is simply breathtaking!
In the late nineties it was revealed almost matter of factly by an expert medical witness in the Bristol Royal Infirmiry enquiry that the NHS were harvesting vast amounts of childrens hearts and other organs for research without permission. this is Kaine's story, she was a victim of this practice, written by her father this compelling story of love and tenderness will once and for all show the indominitable sturdyness of the human spirit will triumph over anything!

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