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Lunes, Abril 29, 2013

Freedom of the Waves | Trafford Publishing

Trafford Publishing Author Peter Ward is the former BBC Chief Education Producer. He was previously
Trafford Publishing
Trafford Publishing | Peter L. Ward
commissioned by Cambridge University Press to write The Adventures of Charles Darwin, which has since been translated into several languages. His novel, Vimp the Viking’s Epic Voyage, has already been adapted into a musical, The Vikings’ Song.

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The trap snapped shut once more but with nothing left between its teeth. Meanwhile, to Eric’s frustration, Astrid spoke comforting words to the wolf. He was keener on searching around for other pairs of yellow eyes out in the darkness. The injured wolf tried to get up but yelped in pain. Astrid tore at her tunic, ripping thin pieces of cloth. ‘Hand me a water skin,’ she said. ‘I’m going to clean this wound.’ She worked hard to clear the rust, blood and dirt from the injury. Then she bound it in strips, ordering Eric to make more. When Astrid finished, she found she had been joined by two solid dark shadows. They stood either side of her. She smelt their stale, meaty breath as they panted over the master wolf. ‘You are kind,’ one told her. ‘We know who you are.’ The young wolf spoke but Astrid was not fazed. She worked cautiously on the older wolf’s leg, remembering her time with Freya in their home forest. Back to the days when mystical Freya could charm birds and wild mammals. ‘You’re one of Freya’s wolves,’ she said. ‘She spoke your language and taught you to speak ours. Am I correct?’ The dark shadow at her side replied. ‘I speak little,’ it said. ‘It is our leader who speaks best. He was always Freya’s favourite!’ Vimp poured water into the cup of his hand and knelt down by the big wolf. ‘Drink,’ he said. ‘I saw Freya with the wild creatures in the forest.  Read More

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