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Huwebes, Abril 18, 2013


Trafford Publishing Author Mrs. Patricia Ripenburg BSc(Agr) said "My interest in food and nutrition started with a taste for French cooking and continued due to a fascination
Trafford Publishing
Patricia Ripenburg | Trafford Publishing
with health and science. I taught and ran an equestrian center and a horse breeding farm for over thirty years. During this time, I bought and sold many horses. I was always amazed at the transformation the horses made with improved nutrition and correct exercise. Our horses were rarely sick even though they competed at many venues and were exposed to coughs and colds. It makes sense that this would be true for people as well. This book began several decades ago as a collection of notes beginning with cooking discoveries and tips and continuing with the health benefits of foods and spices. I was prompted to write this handbook for family and friends, and after completing the first hundred pages, I was encouraged to take it further. 

I was very excited by some of the information I found and the ease with which important foods can be incorporated into daily use. The information contained in this handbook has been collected for over thirty years and has come from articles, books, conversations, Internet searches, lectures, magazines, newscasts, newspapers, reports, television, university classes, and websites. At the end of the book, I have included a list of current sources of information that the reader may find valuable. I had hoped to have this handbook completed in a few months. But this is a topic that is constantly evolving. Many of the things we thought we knew have changed, as have the production and content of many of our foods. This book will never be truly finished as new research will alter our best guesses of today. Finished is just another place to start. I have included some tips and cooking information to assist the cook in providing the healthiest meals, especially with some of the less familiar ingredients. I have not included any recipes as there are so many available in magazines and online. NOTE TO SELF: CHECK OUT HOMEOPATHIC HEALING AND AYURVEDIC, CHINESE ALTERNATIVE AND INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE.  Free Preview

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